“Thank You” is All we can Say
“Thank You” is All we can Say
For a vision to come true, an idea has to be conceived, built, and maintained. Everything that is in existence started as an idea that was acted on and built over time. Biblically, after creating the universe God said let us create man in our likeness…then He went ahead and created man and He was pleased with what He saw. Therefore, man is an idea that God built and was pleased to see the vision of his imagination becoming a reality. An architect puts an idea on a paper before working on it to bring forth an alluring tower. An idea is conceived in one person’s mind,but converting it to a live vision takes teamwork. That’s why God said let us create man and an architect has to involve foremen, supervisors, welders, masons, carpenters et cetera to bring a building to life.
Likewise, as a brand, The Top Rose was an idea that was conceived a couple of years ago. The idea was the root to a vision of providing prospective clients with quality, professional yet affordable hair and beauty services. It sought to bring equality by providing a platform where many would dream of any beauty trend and achieve it without having to navigate around colossal monetary barriers. It has taken distinguished team players to give that idea the skeleton, flesh, and muscle to be the enterprise we are today.
At the summit of all the team players, you, our client stands. You’ve offered young men and women an opportunity to convert skills learned in school into a professional career as well as a source of livelihood. The pleasure that comes from serving you to contention is immeasurable. The friendship that we have developed over a long time is magnetic. The fact we are because you are will forever remain humbling. The radiance in your eyes and shine in your face when you’re happy with our services will never cease to light our hearts. You’re our biggest asset and we pride ourselves to be your favorite beauty service destination.
In appreciation, we are giving friendly incentives through our customized weekly offers, discounted birthday and bridal packages, redeemable loyalty points as well as free Wi-Fi. We remain committed to offering quality, most trendy professional services that are equivalent to the value of your money. We are open seven days a week to ensure there is no day you are missing our services. We listen to tour feedback and respond promptly. Ours is an invaluble friendship and we are bound to protect it beyond measure. When we can’t appreciate you enough, “thank you” is all we can say.